Wednesday 28 November 2018

Today's contender for the 2018 Best Christmas Mince Pie is... 

🎉  🎊  HESTON'S 🎊  🎉   ( Lemon Twist from Waitrose - £3 for 4 ) 

(Sorry for the loading times - I feel its worth it though)

Pastry: Crumbly as all hell but that's more to do with the oaty crumble top which went EVERYWHERE. The flavour was great, super buttery and interestingly no case. You eat the whole thing! 

Filling: So this guy is a little different. There's an immediate hit of ginger and it's super strong. The Lemon Twist comes in the form of a lemon curd filling which fades pretty quick in place of the ginger BURN. Don't get me wrong, it's nice. Super fancy but I can't help but feel it's not what I'm after!
Presentation: Look at it...I mean...just look at it! It's more of a crumble than a pie but this thing is a beast. No tray to get stuck, no leaks BUT I did have trouble with sticky fingers...shame. You won't be disappointed if you're serving this at afternoon tea but that's just the thing. It's not really a mince pie. A tasty treat YES but I think someone was trying too hard.

Summary: Bit weird.
Still hunting for a Morrisons, Percy Ingles...the list goes on 😂

And on another note, I think I'll be doing this every other day from Monday onwards!

Adam Cooke
Photographer / Pie Tester

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