Wednesday 28 November 2018

Today's contender for the 2018 Best Christmas Mince Pie is... 

🎉  ðŸŽŠ SAINSBURY'S ðŸŽŠ  ðŸŽ‰   ( £2.50ish for 6 - Taste The Difference )

Gonna come right out and say - I'm not loving this pie.

Pastry: Soft, feels unfinished, doesn't break and melt away in your mouth like it should AND no discernible flavour. There's good shape and colour but there's no balance to the pie's outsides and filling. Doesn't hold together well. Mushy.

Filling: It's definitely fruity. Huge hit of orange which overwhelms anything else for me. It's more of a jam than a filling, there's some fruit present but nothing of any real substance on the chomp.

Presentation: It's looks good but it's disappointment as soon as it gets anywhere near your face. Sticky fingers, filling everywhere and I'm not keen on finishing them. After stepping up from the budget in store bakery option...sadly, I am not tasting the difference.

Summary: Don't mug yourself.

Current Leaders
1st: M&S Collection
2nd: ASDA Extra Special
3rd: Greggs - Standard (Holding on strong)

AND as a special mention for Greggs, I felt it was necessary to check our yard stick...

Thick Pastry - Great bite, neutral flavour, not powdery at all and topped nicely with sugar. 
It's got a simple appearance but with excellent filling. Sweet and fruity, light and not heavy
A solid pie, a substantial bite, it's great and still holds 3rd.

Adam Cooke
Photographer / Pie Tester

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