Monday 17 December 2018

Today's contender for the 2018 Best Christmas Mince Pie is... 

🎉  🎊  BT Sport Canteen   🎊  🎉   (  £1.50 each ...what! ) 

Pastry: Dry, very basic and the whole pie fell apart the moment I touched it. Also, I'm not certain but I think these were stored on the same shelf as their spices because it had a funk. The pastry the reception smells...on curry day. 

Filling: Doesn't really get much better here. There's whole currents and a moist filling but it's one blurred flavour, no variety as you chomp through it...and again a bit of a weird lingering aftertaste.

Presentation: I feel like I'm really slamming some of the recent ones but this hasn't given me much to be happy about. There weren't any photo ready perfect pies to choose, they tasted a bit off and I'm not totally convinced these aren't from Poundland or something. 

Summary: Really quite bad.

In other news: Props to you Rosie the Banana cake was amazing!

Current Leaders
1st: M&S - Collection 
2nd: Pret A Manger
3rd: ASDA - Extra Special

1st: The Nightingale Patisserie 
2nd: Konditor & Cook
3rd: Here East's Coffee Man

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday!

THIS WEEK I'M RAMPING IT UP - Not much time left!

Adam Cooke
Photographer / Pie Tester

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