Tuesday 18 December 2018

Today's contender for the 2018 Best Christmas Mince Pie is... 

🎉  🎊  M&S Puff Pastry   🎊  🎉   (  Can't remember at all! ) 

Pastry: Now we have something completely different...A puff pie! It's extremely messy from the first bite, I could have done with a bib. Quite tall, great buttery flavour and has a lovely colour too. 

Filling: There's a fair air gap between the filling and the top of of the pie, I imagine there's a limit to how much filling they could get in before it affected the puff but in this case it's too little for me. Balance is way off. The filling is typical of the M&S varieties we've seen, good fruit, nice and sweet but it's not wet enough to counteract the dryness of the overall bite.

Presentation: It's nice! Quite an impressive creation and I've eaten more than I should. The crystallised sugar felt a bit sharp on the roof of my mouth and looking at them...all 6 aren't round, more of an oval.

Summary: Needed a big tea with these.

Current Leaders
1st: M&S - Collection 
2nd: Pret A Manger
3rd: ASDA - Extra Special

1st: The Nightingale Patisserie 
2nd: Konditor & Cook
3rd: Here East's Coffee Man

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday!

THIS WEEK I'M RAMPING IT UP - Not much time left!

Adam Cooke
Photographer / Pie Tester

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