Friday 7 December 2018

Today's contender for the 2018 Best Christmas Mince Pie is... 

🎉  🎊  Konditor & Cook   🎊  🎉   ( £1.75 EACH ) 

Pastry: Sadly this little guy didn't travel so well, beautifully thin and delicate pastry here though. Has a super honest, handmade feel to it! Great flavour and being so thin you get straight to the filling, no nonsense. Hint of a leak on one side but a great colour and lovely shine!

Filling: A really sweet filling. Little to no booze from what I can tell but the spices linger on nicely in place of that heat. The fruit seems to be the usual mix but it's kind of...half blitzed. Nice texture though since it still has some whole pieces! I'm not keen on the ones that feel like baby food.

Presentation: I imagine that it was pretty pie once upon a time! That said...the overall look it great and really nice to see a shiny wash added. I struggled with sticky  fingers but you won't be disappointed with a few of these and a cuppa! A nice entry for the independents. 

Summary: I ate the crumbs.


Current Leaders
1st: M&S - Collection 
2nd: Pret A Manger
3rd: ASDA - Extra Special

1st: The Nightingale Patisserie 
2nd: Konditor & Cook

Monday / Wednesday / Friday!

Adam Cooke
Photographer / Pie Tester

***Donated by Chris Hobbs!***

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