Monday 10 December 2018

Today's entry for the 2018 Best Door Wedge is... 

🎉  🎊  The Foods of Athenry  🎊  🎉   ( £4.50 for 4! ) 

Pastry: Sad

Filling: Sad

Presentation: Sad

Summary: I had one bite, came back a day later and forced one down.

No, seriously...I want to be nicer about these pies but I can't. Kornelia I am very sorry.

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegan...this isn't how a mince pie is meant to be and it's doing a disservice to people that have to shop in these categories. No flavour in the pastry. Powdery, granular and bitter. The filling is mostly nuts, they've been soaked and have just gone a bit strange. There's powdered sugar on top but not a lot generally in the mix. It's almost savoury. 

Just save yourself the bother.

Current Leaders
1st: M&S - Collection 
2nd: Pret A Manger
3rd: ASDA - Extra Special

1st: The Nightingale Patisserie 
2nd: Konditor & Cook

Monday / Wednesday / Friday!

Adam Cooke
Photographer / Pie Tester

***Donated by Kornelia!***

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