Wednesday 28 November 2018

Today's contender for the 2018 Best Christmas Mince Pie is...

🎉 🎊 Tesco 🎊 🎉  ( Finest Range £2.50 for 6 I think...)

Breaks nicely but it's a little thick and took 2 bites to get a decent go at the filling. Great colour and consistency but the flavour didn't scream "All Butter Pastry". 
Nice though.

This was pretty good. Plenty of fruit, moist and sweet, little tang from the Courvoisier...even a hint of nuts. Not much to comment on!

Since this was the first of what I'd consider to be the luxury pies I expected a lot...and it stood up to the promises. Great look, and detailing with the snowflake on top. A little uneven but I probably couldn't do much better. I've gone back for a second one and wouldn't really be too upset with a third. No leaks, easy removal and no sticky fingers!

It's decent. Mum safe.

Adam Cooke
Photographer / Pie Tester

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